
Download star wars battlefront ii celebration edition
Download star wars battlefront ii celebration edition

Only time will tell what EA and DICE are currently working on, but there's an awful lot of people hoping it's Star Wars related. However, the studio could also have shifted development to either a new Battlefield game on next-gen consoles or the rumored Battlefield 3 remaster. Star Wars Battlefront 2, one of the good things to come out of EAs decade-long exclusive partnership with Disney, is now free for the week on the Epic Games Store. It's recently been discovered that the actors behind Iden Versio, Admiral Versio, and Del Meeko are all back in motion capture, adding to the rumors that Battlefront 3 could possibly be in development. You've only to look at the comments to EA's announcement to see that there is clear demand from fans for more content, and it's unusual for a publisher to ignore such popularity unless they have something bigger in the works. It kind of makes you wonder why DICE isn't creating any more paid content when it seems like Star Wars Battlefront 2 is likely the most popular it's ever been. It helps that the game was free and easily accessible, but to amass such a huge number of downloads three years after its launch is highly impressive. The support for Star Wars Battlefront 2 is especially amazing when you consider that the developers have no more plans for any future content drops, having finished working on the game in April last year after the Battle of Scarif update.

Download star wars battlefront ii celebration edition